There's More; Go Get It! 2-part series (mp3)
Joshua’s challenge to the descendants of Joseph when they complained that their allotment in Canaan wasn’t large enough; exploring the full...
Joshua’s challenge to the descendants of Joseph when they complained that their allotment in Canaan wasn’t large enough; exploring the full...
Understanding the value of time and the significance of seasons as we do the will of God; how to handle seasons of preparing, sowing, waiting, and...
Making a strong commitment to listen to, accept, and apply truth; God's promise to bless us when we live by truth; based on James 1:18-27
Reconciling God's sovereignty and man's responsibility; understanding God's plan and promises about Israel; discovering how God fulfills His promises...
The importance of building sound partnerships; three principles to keep in mind as we build key relationships; based on Joshua 1:9-18.
Understanding the reality of spiritual warfare; seeing beyond what the enemy does; based on 2 Kings 6:8-17. (Included in the 14-part series...
Why we should develop the character trait of joy; embracing as much happiness as we can; based on Gal. 5:22 and other passages of Scripture.
The most important of all goals; principles that will position us to accomplish the goals we've set; based on Philippians 3:10-14.
The futility of seeking to be justified by observing the law; the “treats” we receive when we live by faith (Galatians 3:1-24)
Learning to trust God rather than rely on our own thoughts and feelings; trusting God with our failures, foes, frustrations, and future